5 Tips For Warding Off “Ageism”

Learn the 5 things you can do to be proactive and make sure "ageism" doesn't bite you in the rear.

In my last article, I debunked the 5 Myths of “Ageism” (click here to read) and I promised that today I would share with you the 5 tips you can take to ward off “Ageism”.

So, without further adeiu, let’s get into it!

Tip 1: Breathe

I know this seems too easy and cliché but I swear the power of a deep breath can save just about any situation.  I so often see people going through a job search who are so uptight, stressed out and on an emotional rollercoaster that it clouds their judgement, perceptions and their ability to show up authentically.  The more emotionally even you can be the less likely you are to read ageism into situations or to take a rejection personally.  So, during your job search process make sure to find ways to bring more space and breath into your life.

Tip 2: Know Your Audience

The more you can get inside the heads of your potential employers the better you are going to be able to address any concerns they may have about your ability to do the job (whether that has to do with your age or not).  Let’s say you know that the company you are interviewing with is a start-up with an average employee age of 30.  If you are 50 then you are going to have to know that company inside and out, you are going to have to know the values that they hold important, you are going to need to know the culture of the company and you are going to need to know what’s going on with the industry so that when you show up to interview with them you are dressed appropriately (not too formal, if they are a very casual office), so you can speak their lingo and so you can show them how you will not only fit in but how you will be an incredibly valuable asset (see Step 3) to this younger team.

Tip 3: Develop a Strong Personal Brand

Just like it’s important to know what an employer is looking for, you also need to be clear on what you bring to the table that is unique.  The clearer you are about what you love to do and what you have to offer an employer that is valuable to them the easier it will be for you connect the dot.  Further, having a clear personal brand will help you in your job search because you will be able to target companies that not only fit your personal “must-have” list but you will also waste less time when you are focused directly on the companies that have the problems you solve (and only the companies that have the problems that you are uniquely qualified to solve).

Tip 4: Develop a Strategy to Tap Into the Hidden Market

A strong strategy for expanding your reach through networking is the key to a successful job search (particularly when you are looking for a management, VP, Director or C-Suite level role).  A lot of people cringe when they hear the word “networking” because it feels slimy and uncomfortable but it doesn’t have to be this way.  Shoot, even introverts can learn to love “networking” when you learn the strategy for doing it in a non-sleazy way.  The importance in finding an effective strategy is that 75-80% of all jobs are never posted online…they are tucked away on the “hidden job market”.  Your goal is to infiltrate this market so you can land the coveted, choice opportunities.

Tip 5: Keep Learning

One great way to keep from coming across as “old” or stuck in your ways is to keep up with the latest technology and to keep learning.  There are great opportunities locally (community colleges, community seminars, etc.) and online (Udemy, LinkedIn, etc.) to keep up to date and to learn new technologies.  Another great way to make sure you are staying on top of industry trends is to follow industry leaders and see what they are talking about.  You could also help others, volunteer to take on new projects or pick up a small side project to make sure you are adding value where you can and keeping (and developing) your skills.

The reality, as I discussed yesterday, is that “ageism” rarely has to do with how many times you’ve gone around the sun.  It has to do with how well you will fit into a culture, how adaptable you are, how up to speed you are with the latest industry trends and technology and how open you are to change.  The 5 tips I’ve shared here will help you remain relevant so that your age doesn’t keep you from finding work that you love and that you are amazing at.

Many of you will read these tips and realize that you are on the right track with what you are doing with your career and your career plan.

However, if you read these tips and are now left feeling like you are more confused and concerned about how you are managing your career than you were before, I want you to know that you are not alone.  This process can be confusing and overwhelming when you aren’t equipped with the right tools.  And. I’ll be honest, that’s because most of what we’ve been taught to do to manage our careers no longer works.  There is a system for moving your way through a job or career change that is 10X more effective than the old way of doing things.

If you want to learn more about this process and how it can help you move forward in your career more quickly and effectively then I invite you to check out my training: 6-Figure Career Clarity.  The training is FREE.  In it, I will walk you through my 6-Figure Career Clarity Method so you can start moving forward in your career!


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