5 Ways to Water the Grass Where You’re Standing So You Can Finally Land Your Dream Job

Want to land your dream job?

Want to stop experiencing career Groundhog Day where you go from one unfulfilling job to another?

Want a real solution that will help you land you next perfect job opportunity?

Here’s the secret….you first need to show that you can be trusted with what you already have.

You need to invest in your current job like it is all you will ever had.

I know this might seem like the LAST thing you want to do…all you want to do is get the hell out.  Right?

But remember what we talked about in my last post...Until you change your current energy and how you are showing up you will never be trusted with something bigger and better than what you have.

Hopefully this is making sense and you can see the importance of it.

So, let’s now look at the 5 things you can do starting today to make sure that you are nurturing your current job so you can finally be trusted to move into that dream job you so deeply desire.

#1: Think Like an Entrepreneur

No…I don’t mean you need to BE an entrepreneur but you need to stop thinking like an employee and start thinking like an entrepreneur.

Confused as to what the difference is?

Well, the way I see it is that employees tend to “dial it in”.  They clock in and clock out.  They do the minimum to get by and not get fired.

I’m not saying that every employee is this way but hopefully you get the mindset of a traditional “employee”.

On the other hand, entrepreneurs invest everything they have into their work.  Think of any entrepreneurs that you know…what are they willing to do for their businesses?

From the ones I know they are willing to do just about anything for their business.  They will invest their minds, their energy, their hearts and their souls.

Now, imagine for a second if you and every other person you worked with invested in their work the way an entrepreneur invests in theirs.

What would be possible?

I mean…when you think about it in those terms, what wouldn’t be possible?

So, understanding the power that can be unleashed when you act like an entrepreneur do you see how differently you might show up at work?

What would be possible?

Think about that for a minute.

What are some practical ways you could implement this entrepreneur mindset today?

If you owned a business and you saw the restrooms were out of toilet paper would you feel sorry of the sucker who goes in after you or would you refill the toilet paper roll?

If you walked in the front door would you ignore everyone on your way to your desk or would you say hello to your colleague, Jim and ask him how his sick dog is doing?

If you owned the business would you let a confused customer who is clearly looking for something walk around your store or would you walk right up to them and ask how you can be helpful?

See…it doesn’t have to be anything crazy.  You don’t need to revamp the entire marketing strategy for the coming fiscal year to start thinking like an entrepreneur…it starts by seeing how you can add value in big and small ways.

Are you seeing how this mindset shift could change how you show up at work and how you interact with your boss, your colleagues and your customers?

Great.  Let’s move on to the next one.

#2: Act As If 

You’ve likely heard the advice to dress for the job you want not the one you have.  Well…this next one is similar.

Act as if you already have the job you want.

Remember from my last post how important mindset is and putting your attention and energy on what it is that you want.

Well, what if you used this to your advantage and started acting as if you already have the job that you desire.

What would you do differently?

Would you dress differently?

Would you engage in meetings differently?

Would you interact with your colleagues differently?

Would you express yourself differently?

Think about all those things you would do differently if you were already that version of you that has the next job…and then start DOING those things.

Seems too easy to actually work, doesn’t it?

Why don’t you give it a try and see!

Now, on to #3.

#3: Nurture Your Relationships

Did you know that your colleagues and customers might be your best connection to your next opportunity?

If you didn’t already know this you are missing out on an insanely valuable resource sitting right under your nose.

I know of a woman, Kate, who was part of a major layoff at her company.  Over the years she had worked hard to establish great rapport with her colleagues and she was not only well respected but she was also known as a dedicated, hard-working employee.

Another colleague, who had also been laid off, finally landed a position at a great company.  A few months later a position became available and Kate was the first person who was recommended for the opening.

If you aren’t nurturing the relationships that are right in front of you, you will never know what opportunities you might be missing.

#4: Add Value

You need to constantly find ways to add value.

The best ways to add value is to get your work done well, to find ways to relieve your boss’ stress, and to find ways to help the business grow or save the company money.

And finally, #5.

#5: Be Appreciative

I know.  You are likely somewhere that you don’t love.  But again, if you can’t find things to be appreciate about this position you will only attract more of what you are putting your attention on…the things you DON’T want.

So, find things to be appreciative of in your current situation.

Maybe it is that you have your own office so you can work in a quiet environment.

Maybe it is that you love your colleagues.

Maybe it is that your company has a kickass lunch room where you can look out the windows when you eat your lunch.

Whatever it is make sure you are recognizing the things that you can appreciate in your current circumstances.

And I recommend that you don’t just keep those things to yourself.  Tell you boss how much you appreciate the opportunity to work there.

Tell your colleagues how much you appreciate their creative ideas.

Tell your receptionist how much you appreciate that he always delivers your messages to you quickly and accurately.

The more you focus on what you can appreciate in your current situation the more positive energy you will bring into your life.

I know it might not be sexy and it might not be what you want to do but I promise you that if you implement just these 5 strategies alone for one week you are going to notice a difference in how you feel, how people are responding to you, how productive you are and other ways that you (or I) might not even be able to imagine.

Besides, what do you have to lose?

If you aren’t happy where you are and you don’t want to repeat your same mistakes over and over again maybe it’s time to try something different.  What’s the worst thing that can happen?

Go forth, be a badass and water the grass where you're standing!

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