Is Your Career Stuck In A Groundhog Day Loop?

What if you woke up everyday of every week of every year going to work and doing work that doesn’t matter to you?

Work that doesn’t light you up.

Work that doesn’t allow you to shine.

My guess is you’d feel as miserable (if not more) than Bill Murray’s character in the 1993 movie, Groundhog Day.

I’m feeling pretty confident in making this guess because it's what I’ve heard from countless professionals I talk to every single day.

Just last week one of my clients told me that a big reason she decided to work with me to transform her career was because she was tired of feeling like a broken record. She was tired of hearing herself tell her friends and family the same old story she’d been telling for years. She decided it was finally time to write a new story so she could stop living her own version of Groundhog’s Day.

Are you stuck in what feels like an endless cycle of sameness?

Of stagnation?

Of feeling like what you are doing doesn’t matter, doesn’t make a difference, and doesn’t move the needle for you?

I totally get how you can get into that cycle…because I’ve been there too and it’s nothing you should be ashamed of or beating yourself up over.

Because here’s the truth. There may have been a time when the comfort of the stability and predictability was just what you needed. That was certainly the case for me when my kids were babies. Or maybe there were other factors in your life that were keeping you from focusing on your career. Or maybe you believed that hard work and loyalty would pay off…that is until you got laid off, fired or downsized. Or maybe it was something else entirely.

It is completely understandable that there are times in your life when stability and predictability are just what you need. But the problem is that if you stay in that safety zone for too long you risk falling asleep in your career and in your life.

Days, weeks, months and years will start to slip by as you sleepwalk through your life and before you know it you are going to wake up wondering where the hell all the time went.

It’s time to wake the eff up!

It’s time to make some changes!

It’s time to take your career and your life off hold!

It’s time to reignite the fire within you by finding work that lights you up!

It’s time to stop waking up every day in the exact same place doing work that doesn’t matter to you!
It’s time. And the time is NOW.

If you are ready to break the cycle of the Groundhog’s Day cycle, I invite you to apply for a free Career Clarity Ideas and Insights session with me by filling out a Career Clarity Snapshot.

This is your opportunity to learn how you can reignite your career and your life using the 6-Figure Career Clarity Method.

Fill out the Snapshot by clicking here.

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