5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Marie Kondo Your Career

You’ve heard of (or even experienced first hand) the Marie Kondo craze that’s going on recently.


The idea behind her work is to declutter your life of anything that doesn’t bring you joy.  Declutter your closet of the clothes that don’t bring you joy.  Declutter your living room of all the things that you own that don’t bring you joy.  Get rid of all things in your life that don't bring you joy so there is space for enjoying the things that DO bring you joy.

So, while there your closet and basement and drawers might be decluttered and looking organized, I want you to think about what would happen if you decluttered your career of all the things that don’t bring you joy?

Just take a second to think about that.

Grab a piece of paper and write out your answers to the following questions:

  1. What in your career is not bringing you joy?
  2. What would your career look like if you decluttered it of everything that didn’t bring you joy?
  3. What would your life look like if you decluttered your career of everything that didn’t bring you joy?
  4. How could you show up differently in your career (and your life) if you were only doing things that brought you joy?
  5. What is one thing you want to commit to decluttering in your career right now?

It’s interesting how the Marie Kondo craze has taken off and given so many people the inspiration to get rid of tangible things in their lives that aren’t serving them but they aren’t using the same principle to get rid of the things in their career, relationships, health, finances and life.

I truly believe that in your career it is vitally important to create a strategic plan for your career so that you stop doing the things that don’t bring you joy…the things that don’t allow you to shine…the things that don’t allow you to work in your “zone”.

Because only when you get clarity around what brings you joy in your career and what steals your joy can you be intentional with how you move forward.

That’s why it’s important to find a career strategist who can help you get crystal clear on what these things are.

Because if you continue to do things that don’t bring you joy you will continue to feel unfulfilled, burned out, dissatisfied and unhappy in your career and in your life.

I work with my clients to help them get clear on what they want their career to look like, what they need in order to thrive in their career and what steps they need to take to make their vision of their future career becomes their reality.

If you are ready to Marie Kondo your career and you want to jump on a call with me to discuss what that would look like I invite you to fill out a Career Clarity Snapshot and sign up for a Career Clarity Ideas and Insight session with me.


Let’s Marie Kondo your career together!

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