Why You Aren’t Getting Interviews

Are the crickets getting you down?

You know the ones I’m talking about…the crickets you hear every time you submit an application for a job you’d be amazing for.

THOSE cricket.

Are you getting frustrated by them?

Trust me, you are not alone.

I’m going to venture a few guesses about you:

  • You have great work experience and a solid work history.
  • You have education and training that has allowed you to be successful at work.
  • You know that you have valuable skills and talents to share with the world.
  • You believe that you are great (if not amazing) at a number of the skills and talents you use at work.

Am I right?

I’m going to venture another guess.

Even though you’ve got all the skills, education, training and experience that would make you a kickass employee, you still aren’t getting noticed.

Real Life

Let me share with you a situation I hear all the time from the women I talk to and see if any of it resonates with you.

In the last month I talked to multiple women who submitted 5, 10 or even more applications every week with no bites.  One woman I spoke with was putting out 20 applications every week with no calls back.

And these are high-achieving, well educated women…how the hell can this be?

They know that they are amazing and that they’d be perfect for those positions.

So, why aren’t they getting called immediately for interviews?

They are left scratching their heads.

Unfortunately, what often happens next in these situations is these women determine it must be a problem with their resume.  So, they will buy a program to help the update their resume…and still crickets.  Maybe they will even pay someone else thousands of dollars to write their resume for them…and still crickets.

And then at this point they start to think…maybe it’s not may resume.

Enter The Gremlins

Maybe it’s me.

And very quickly they find themselves going down a very dark and deep rabbit hole.

They begin to  question everything from their resume to their education to their experience to their strengths to their abilities and on and on.

By the time they stop and look around they are in a dark place.  A place where they are no longer confident in themselves and they even start to wonder if they were crazy to have believed they were qualified for that position in the first place.

Has this ever happened to you?

Trust me, if you’ve fallen into this cycle know that you are not alone.

Often the next thing that happens is these women start applying for jobs that are beneath them because they figure…well, surely I can get calls back for those positions.

But then they STILL hear crickets.

Now they are completely freaking out.

What the hell is happening?!?

Want to know?

Click here to read my next post where I'm sharing why you aren’t getting interviews.  I’ll tell you what’s actually going on and what you can do to fix it.

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