The Silent Soul and Career Crusher

Do you know what is quietly killing your soul and your career more than anything else?

It’s not your boss.     

It’s not your resume.

It’s not your lack of ambition.

It’s not your experience and skills.

It’s your tendency to do everything, say yes, take on more and never ask for help. You are drowning in your own competence. You might be wondering what the heck I’m talking about here. Isn’t being competent a good thing?

I’m going to make a stand here and tell you that being competent is actually a BAD thing.

Here’s why:

  • When you are competent at a hundred things, it keeps you from been amazing at a handful of things.
  • When you are competent, you are viewed as a commodity rather than an indispensable asset.
  • When you are competent, you are asked to do things that don’t allow you to work at the top of your abilities.
  • When you are competent, you get mired down by the daily toil, rather than rising above it so that you can see the bigger picture.
  • When you are competent you fail to be BADASS.

If you’re like me, I know being anything other than amazing just won’t cut it.  

So, how do you keep from drowning in your own competence?

You’ve got to determine what:

  • Makes you shine 
  • Allows you to work at your full potential
  • Allows you to be a badass

Become so incredibly valuable delivering these things that you will never be asked to do something you are only “competent” at again.

What I’m talking about here is zeroing in on your Zone of Genius: the thing(s) that you are amazing at AND that you love to do.

When you find yourself doing tasks that allow you to work within your Zone of Genius, you will find that random projects and other duties are no longer being dumped on you. You are respected for the incredible resource that you are and your employer would be a fool to have you doing anything other than what you do best.

Now, I’m not saying that your work will be completely free of any tasks that you’re only competent at…that’s just not reality. Instead, rather than spending 85% of your day in your Zone of Competence, you’ll spend 85-95% of your day in your Zone of Genius.

Which would you rather have:

  1. 85% of your day spent doing things you are competent at
  2. 85% of your day spent doing things that you love to do and that you are awesome at

If you are happy with option a, then you are NOT in the right place. I’m here to support high-achieving, badass corporate professionals in upgrading their careers.  If you are fine with settling for a life and career of competence, I’m not your girl, and the Career Shifter is not for you.

If you want option b, I welcome you. You’ve found your place: a place where you are encouraged to be your best, and to unabashedly pursue excellence in your career so you can have a kickass life!

The pursuit of a career that you can love and that will elevate your life is exactly what I’m all about.  It’s what I love to help other professionals do, because life is too short to not enjoy the journey. You have a genius inside of you who is just waiting to come out. A genius who is ready to stop settling and see what’s on the other side.

Let me ask you a question…

If you were honest with yourself, would you say that you are spending most of your time doing things that you are competent at or things that you are amazing at?  

If your answer was things that you’re competent at, I want you to ask yourself how it feels to know that your greatest gifts are not being utilized, and that you aren’t being recognized for the incredible value you have to offer?  

If you are tired of feeling this way and ready to hone in on your Zone of Genius, then click here to learn exactly how to do just that.

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