Wearing the Wrong Hat?

Are you wearing a million hats at work?

Does it feel like most of them don’t fit?

Are you not even sure how half of them ended up on your head?

Does it feel like the weight of them might break you?

You’ve worked hard to get where you are but it seems like every time you do something remarkable more hats get put on your head. Have you noticed that?

At first it felt really great that you were recognized and that they trusted you with more and more responsibility but as time goes on and more and more hats are added on top it’s starting to feel like you might get crushed.

You feel like you are sinking. You feel like you can no longer wear all the hats and still perform at the high level you are used to. And to top it all off you are losing confidence in yourself.

But that’s not even the worst of it.

You’ve noticed that your work hats aren’t staying at work. You still have hundreds of them on when you leave the office and as you head off to pick up your kids you put on the million other hats you wear as a mom/wife/friend/human.

You no longer see your friends as much as you used to. Your brain is half a world away when you kid is telling you a story about what happened at school and you completely miss what they are trying to tell you. You can’t remember the last time you and your husband had a real, uninterrupted conversation. You’ve gained 15 pounds because you can’t find the time to work out and you collapse into bed every night exhausted from carrying around the weight of all those hats.

You are feeling like a failure as a wife, mom, friend and even employee.

The reward for all your amazing accomplishments at work is no longer feeling like a “reward”.

And I know exactly how you ended up here.

It’s because you are kind of a big deal at work. Am I right?
It’s because you are great at what you do. It’s because you are reliable, dedicated, hard-working, accommodating and willing to rise to any challenge.

It’s because you are YOU.

And that’s the exact reasons you are sinking under the weight.

Sound odd? Are you thinking, “isn’t being all those things (reliable, dedicated, hard-working, awesome at what I do) a good thing??

Yes, but with a caveat.

They are actually amazing but only if you have the clarity, knowledge and power to direct them in a way that serves you.

When you get clear on exactly what you love about your work, when you get clear about what allows you to thrive at work and when you get clear about exactly which hats you are happy to put on and which hats you are ready to throw off, you will not only become happier at work (and in the rest of your life) but you will also become a more valuable and valued employee.

Seems counter intuitive but it’s true.

When you start focusing in on only what you are a rock star at and only what you love your dedication, productivity and contributions will skyrocket.

The key to all of this is knowing exactly what you need to make that all happen.

What you need is clarity.

Because when you have clarity you have power. You have direction. You have fire. And best of all…you have confidence.

Confidence in yourself. Confidence in what you have to offer. Confidence to stand up and say N-O. Confidence to stand up and say HELL YEAH! Bring it on!

Because with clarity comes confidence.

And I know you could use an extra boost in the confidence department. Who couldn’t?

If you want to know how to find your career clarity so that you can have the confidence you’ve been looking for to finally throw off those hats that you don’t want and only wear the ones you love, fill out my Career Clarity Ideas and Insights form and apply for a call with me today.

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