The thought of making a career transition may be scary, but at the same time, it’s a challenge you’re dreaming about taking. Decide to make a change!

Need A Career Transition? What Is Stopping You?

Need A Career Transition? What Is Stopping You? | Eileen Johnson Coaching

You may have grown out of your current career and you’re looking for a new challenge. Your current workplace has become stale and boring. You’re thinking it’s time for a career transition. But that may be scary for you. 

It’s become a struggle for you whether to make a transition or to stay where it’s safe and easy. 

Here are some issues and how to deal with them that you may be facing as you think about making a career transition. But if you boldly step out and make that transition, you will most likely be living the life you want. Your dream life!

Fear Of The Unknown During A Career Transition

Yes, there’s fear in the unknown. But that could be part of why it’s so exciting as well as challenging. If you’ve been in the same career for years, you may be wondering if you’ll be happy if you do make a career transition. 

But are you happy in your present situation?

Maybe one of your fears is that you think you’re not qualified for any other type of work. If you’ve been doing the same type of job for many years, sometimes it’s hard to step back and see how qualified you really are. You’re so used to the skills you have right now, but you don’t think they’re valuable anymore. 

But if someone is happy with your skills right now and paying you good money for them, then it stands to reason there will be other companies or businesses that will pay for those same skills. 

One thing you can do to break out of your fear is to make a list of all the skills you have right now. Start with a list of 10 things you do that make you qualified in your present career.

Then look at businesses that may need those skills. Look online and find your ideal clients or agencies you’d love to work for and study their business in-depth. You’ll soon know what challenges they face and what you can bring to them to actually help them. 

Whether or not you apply for a position with them doesn’t matter at this point. But it will give you an idea of where you could maybe upscale your skills to make your career change more challenging for you.

As you do this research, you’ll be surprised to find out that you do have marketable skills and that there are places where people would hire you.

Job & Financial Security

Several issues may have come up on your list of what scares you about making a career transition.

Money is a big one. You know you’re the breadwinner of the family and to take a risk of losing that monthly paycheck seems really daunting. 

There is security in a long time job. The security of knowing how much you’ll get paid every month and living on a budget that fits that income. If you lose that security, what if you never get it back?

And if you have savings you don’t want them to disappear forever!

If you have children you may be afraid that they’ll be missing out on things you could no longer give them if you had to do without an income for a while.

Maybe you think you won’t be able to pay your mortgage and you’ll lose your house. Or you won’t be able to save for retirement anymore.

Not having a secure income can be scary. But is it worth it to stay stuck in a job you’re bored to tears in? Maybe you can keep your current job and apply for others at the same time. It’s possible you won’t have to leave until another career is secured.

You could take online courses in the evenings to boost your skills. Then you can search for jobs and make that change you’re dreaming about.

Related: 4 Pointers to Financially Prepare for a Job Transition


Do you fear that you’re too old to make a career change? If you believe that, you should do some research and find those people who are thriving in a career in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and beyond!

Chances are you still have 25 – 40 years left in your career. Why not do something you’ve always dreamed of and be happy with your new career for the next 40 years or so.

People are living longer than ever nowadays, and if you’re healthy and take care of yourself, there’s no reason to not pursue work you’re passionate about. So many people have made big changes later in life. People have gone to medical school when they turned 60. Lots of successful businesses are started by someone in their 50’s or older. 

As you mature and build your skills, people are going to want to work with you because not only do you have great skills, but you have proven integrity and maturity. 

Related: Setting Yourself Up for Success

Give yourself permission to break free and make that career transition you’re thinking about. Maybe you don’t quite know what you’re passionate about doing, but you know there has to be something better. Lots of people don’t know what they want to do when they grow up, so don’t feel like you have to give up trying because of that reason. 

Find a way to discover what you’d love to do. And if any of the above obstacles are stopping you from finding a new career path, think of them as problems that need to get solved. And you can solve them!

What is the first step you’re going to take to make a career transition happen?

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