How to Survive Your Job When You Can’t Afford to Quit

Do you hate your job? It happens. You have a job that you’ve been in for a while but you now hate it and can’t afford to quit! You probably need the money to help support your family. And maybe the job you’re doing is going to help you get to the next step in your career ladder.

Despite all the reasons you can’t afford to quit the job you’ve grown to despise, the effects of this ‘hate’ relationship can upset your health. It can cause weight gain, (and who wants that!). It also can lead to a lowering of your immune system and put you at a greater risk of physical or mental illness. 

Not loving your job can be stressful. And you don’t need another layer of stress in your life. This leads to fatigue and getting irritable more often. You want to be successful in your career without feeling stuck in a job you hate and can’t afford to quit.

Would you like some strategies to help make your situation more bearable and less stressful? Consider trying these suggestions to help you take charge when you feel stuck.

Look On The Bright Side

One way to boost your mood if you can’t afford to quit your job is to think about other people who have less than you do. Think of the people who don’t have a job at all and would like one. You can be thankful that you at least have an income.

Think about how some people are working but make less money than you and are working much harder than you. As you go over those scenarios in other people’s lives, you will start to feel better about your situation. 

Maybe that seems like a cruel way to look at it, but studies have shown that if you compare yourself to others that are doing worse than you can help your self-esteem. It doesn’t mean you don’t care for those who don’t have jobs but want one, it just gives you a new perspective and a way to start being thankful for what you have at the moment. 

Keep Working Hard, Even When You Have to Stay Because You Can’t Afford to Quit

Usually, when someone starts to hate their job, they start to slack off and do as little as possible and develop an ‘I don’t care’ attitude. 

But with the right mindset, you can keep working hard. You don’t have to be a bad employee even if you don’t like your job. Keep up your good work ethic, because you are getting paid to do your best job. It’s not your employer’s fault that you’ve lost interest. Do the job you were hired for and keep producing the results expected of you.

Then when you’re at home in the evenings you can start searching for how to find a better job. 

Related: “I Hate My Job!” 3 Ways To Improve Your Work-Life

Don’t Spread Negativity

Just because you’re frustrated with your job, doesn’t mean you need to tell everyone at your workplace about it. Complaining about it makes everyone else uncomfortable. Other people might start to think they should quit too. It can put a damper on your current relationships with colleagues. 

But the worst thing that could happen is that your employer will find out and start to find someone to replace you. And they won’t give you a very good recommendation for your next job.

And don’t post your complaints and negative comments on social media!

Someone you work for could discover what you’re saying online and it’s quite possible that anyone you want to work for in the future will look at all your social media accounts before hiring you. Your unhappiness could cost you a great job in the future.

Venting your frustrations may help you feel better, but find someone in your family or a close friend to talk things over with instead of making it public. 

Start Saving Money

If you’re in a high paying job and you want to go into an entirely new field, you may have to start your new job at a lower wage. 

To prepare for that you can take some steps to save money now and to get out of debt. Cut your expenses wherever you can and save all the extra money you can. Be sure to build an emergency fund that will last a few months in case you need to supplement your income when you get a lower-paying job. 

One thing you can do to offset getting a lower-paying job, is if you have your heart set on a specific career, you can start upgrading your skills before you apply for a new job. Get skilled up and the chances of starting with a higher salary are greater. It may even be close to what you’re making right now!

As you focus on training yourself for a new career, this can help you stop complaining about your current job. You’ll start to feel happier because you’re taking steps to find the job you’d rather be in. 

You’ll also feel great that you’ve reduced your debt and that you’ve built up some savings. You may even feel good enough that you won’t have to feel stuck or down about your current situation.

Start Formulating a Plan

When you’re feeling down because you can’t afford to quit your current job that you don’t like, the best thing to do is make a plan as to all the steps you need to take to find new employment.

Formulating a plan can lift your spirits because you’ll start to see there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

First, consider what career you want to go into if you haven’t picked one already. 

Then study all you can in that area and build and practice the new skills until you’re confident in them. Study any free resources you can find first before looking at courses that cost. Search for lower-priced courses online or find books that can help you learn new skills.

Remember to not let your current employer know you’re looking for other work somewhere else. You don’t want to be let go before you’re ready financially. And you want the best recommendation you can get. Keep positive at work and continue to work hard. 

As you plan out your course of action, remember that even though you can’t afford to quit your job right now, it’s only temporary. Focus on your plan.

It can be depressing to be in a job you’re not happy with but can’t afford to quit. But the worst thing you can do is think there is no way out and sink into a well of self-pity. This can produce lethargy. Instead, make a plan to change your life. If you have any fears, face them and take one step at a time to achieve your new goals. You’re on the road to a new career! What could be better!

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