Are You The Character In A Horror Movie?

Figuring out what’s wrong with your career and how you to fix it is hardddd, isn’t it?

It doesn’t seem like it should be.  After all you’re a smart, educated person.  You know how to solve complex problems at work and how to juggle life with your kids, husband and friends.  So, why can’t you figure this out for yourself?

Maybe you’ve bought a book or two or 12 to help you figure it out. But that wasn’t the answer.

Maybe you’ve asked your friends what you should do.  But that didn’t help too much either.

No matter what you’ve done, you can’t seem to put all the pieces together to find your answer.

And that’s why you need a coach.  Someone who can help you dig in and find the right pieces and start putting your puzzle together.  Someone who is dedicated to getting you the results that you are looking for but removed enough to see through all the fog.  Someone who can point out your blind spots and help you find strategies for overcoming the hurdles and obstacles that are standing in your way.

It’s sort of like watching a horror movie.  You can clearly see what the character in the movie should do (or not do).  But that’s only because you are sitting in the comfort of your own home not freaking out that the zombie is chasing you.  You are calm, clear headed and removed from the situation.

The same thing is true for figuring out how to get unstuck from an unfulfilling career.

You are running a million miles an hour, you are stressed to the max and most days you are just trying to survive.

You are just like the characters in the horror movie…scared, panicked and only thinking about survival.

Is that the frame of mind you think best from?  Is it going to be possible to get perspective and move beyond this problem from here?

Of course not.

You need to slow down.  Catch your breath.  Get out of pure survival mode and into a place where you can actually reflect internally.  A place where you can ask the questions you need to ask of yourself to find your answers.

And that is what a great coach can do with you.  A powerful coach can get you out of that primitive fight or flight response and into a place where you can do the inner work that it takes to find your answers.  A skilled coach can help you see what you might not be able to see and shine light on the path that will move you forward.

If you want to know how I help my clients put the pieces of their career clarity puzzle together I invite you to watch my latest training where I show you the process all my clients go through.

If are ready to move into the career you’ve been dreaming about this is your first step to finding out how you can make your dreams a reality.

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