Be You and Let Your Differences Shine

Stop blending in.

Stop dulling your brilliance.

And for the love of all that is holy...STOP playing small.

Society has consciously and unconsciously taught us that fitting in and being just like everyone else is the way to stay safe by not drawing too much attention.

But how is that working out for you?

Take a second and honestly ask yourself how that is really working out for you.

Let me are getting passed over for promotions, your boss' boss doesn't even know your name and you meet people at events who likely won't remember you the next time you see them.

And all of this has left you feeling frustrated and annoyed.

Can't they see how funny, smart and valuable you are?

The truth

They can't

And that's not because you aren't all those things. Of course you are funny, smart and extremely talented and valuable.

The problem is that you aren't clear for yourself what makes you different...what makes you irreplaceable.

And if you aren't clear on that, how the hell can you possibly expect others to see it?

It's time that you stepped up.

It's time that you started getting noticed.

It's time you stopped wearing all black because that's what everyone else is wearing and put on that bright yellow sweater that you look amazing in and that makes you shine!

I challenge you to write a list of 5 things that makes you irreplaceable...5 things that makes you unique...5 things that makes you shine.

Because your are a's time you see it clearly for yourself!

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