Why You Aren’t Getting Interviews

Are the crickets getting you down?You know the ones I’m talking about…the crickets you hear every time you submit an application for a job you’d be amazing for. THOSE cricket. Are you getting frustrated by them? Trust me, you are not alone. I’m going to venture a few guesses about you: You have great work experience and a solid work …

Setting Yourself Up For Success

Do you have a Monday morning ritual? Do you do something that helps give you a fresh start to your week? My Monday Morning practice actually starts on Friday (whaa??). Check it out. Before I wrap up my work for the week I like to organize all the piles of paper that accumulate on the ground and the junk that …

Road Tripping Through Your Career

Do you love a good road trip? Planning out where you’re going to go. Where you’re going to stop along the way. Who and what you want to see. What snacks you are going to pick up (Chex Mix is always a must for me). What you are going to listen to (books on tape or an amazing playlist). Sometimes …

No Interviews? Ask Yourself These 5 Questions.

Think branding is only for companies like Target, Nike and Apple? Think again. Did you know that believing that you don’t need a personal brand is likely what’s keeping you stuck or stagnant in your career? Yup. That’s the cold hard truth. I’m here to tell you that branding is about to get personal. And by getting personal your brand …

5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Marie Kondo Your Career

You’ve heard of (or even experienced first hand) the Marie Kondo craze that’s going on recently. Right? The idea behind her work is to declutter your life of anything that doesn’t bring you joy.  Declutter your closet of the clothes that don’t bring you joy.  Declutter your living room of all the things that you own that don’t bring you joy.  Get rid …

Be You and Let Your Differences Shine

Stop blending in. Stop dulling your brilliance. And for the love of all that is holy…STOP playing small. Society has consciously and unconsciously taught us that fitting in and being just like everyone else is the way to stay safe by not drawing too much attention. But how is that working out for you? Take a second and honestly ask …

Jane of All Trades

Want to know the real reason you aren’t getting interviews?(Why being one is costing you your dream job.)Earlier this week I shared the situation I see happen all too often.  High-achieving professionals will apply for 5, 10 even 20 jobs every week.  And even though they know they are a great fit they hear crickets. What’s terrible about this situation …

Is Your Career Stuck In A Groundhog Day Loop?

What if you woke up everyday of every week of every year going to work and doing work that doesn’t matter to you? Work that doesn’t light you up. Work that doesn’t allow you to shine. My guess is you’d feel as miserable (if not more) than Bill Murray’s character in the 1993 movie, Groundhog Day. I’m feeling pretty confident …

Is Your Career Path Filled With ?????’s?

Is your next career move a big ? for you?   I stumbled across this cartoon today and it really spoke to me.   I’m not going to lie. I actually used to be (and sometimes still am) jealous of our parent’s generation.   They graduated from high school. Went to college and then set off on a pretty clearly …

How to Uncover Your “Zone” So You Can Start Doing Work That You Love and are Amazing At

Tired of settling for “good enough” at work? Ready to level-up your career and life and get into your “Zone?” If you are, then you’re in for a treat because you’re going to learn how you can zero in on your “Zone” right now. But first, let’s review what the “Zone” is. The “Zone” is the place where the things …