How to Find Your Next Opportunity (even if you are a super busy executive)

I often see people get themselves into a situation where they focus so much on their current position that they forget to make sure they are putting some irons in the fire for future opportunities to come their way.   Now, I’ve heard people say: ”But I don’t want a new job. I’m happy where I am. I don’t need to …

Has the Real You Gone Missing?

Does it feel like you’ve lost touch with who you are? Does it feel like you barely even know who you are anymore? Does it feel like the real you has gone missing? Does it feel like your face could end up on the side of a milk carton because you are so far lost? While finding your face on …

Embrace What’s Uniquely YOU

Society has taught you that it’s safer to blend in and not stand out in the crowd. But let me ask you…how well is that working out for you? Sure you might feel safe and it means you likely aren’t risking failure but how is that REALLY working out for you? Are you getting passed over for promotions? Are you …

Are You The Character In A Horror Movie?

Figuring out what’s wrong with your career and how you to fix it is hardddd, isn’t it? It doesn’t seem like it should be.  After all you’re a smart, educated person.  You know how to solve complex problems at work and how to juggle life with your kids, husband and friends.  So, why can’t you figure this out for yourself? …

5 Ways to Water the Grass Where You’re Standing So You Can Finally Land Your Dream Job

Want to land your dream job?Want to stop experiencing career Groundhog Day where you go from one unfulfilling job to another? Want a real solution that will help you land you next perfect job opportunity? Here’s the secret….you first need to show that you can be trusted with what you already have. You need to invest in your current job …

5 Tips For Warding Off “Ageism”

Learn the 5 things you can do to be proactive and make sure “ageism” doesn’t bite you in the rear.In my last article, I debunked the 5 Myths of “Ageism” (click here to read) and I promised that today I would share with you the 5 tips you can take to ward off “Ageism”. So, without further adeiu, let’s get into …

5 Steps to Becoming a Powerful Leader

5 Myths of Ageism

Learn what the 5 myths of ageism are and why your age and experience is actually an assetIf you are like most of my clients, you are at the mid-point of your career and ready for a change.  If you are also like many of my clients, thoughts about your age have snuck into your brain. You wake up in …

3 Ways Failing To Water The Grass Where You’re Standing Is Costing You Your Dream Career

Have you mentally checked out of your job? Have you stopped tending to the job that you have? Do you have any idea what this is costing you?In my last post I shared the situation that I see happen a lot. Basically what happens is professionals will mentally and emotionally check out of their current job. Maybe it’s because they don’t …

Job Hopping Career Coach The good and the bad

Job Hopping The Good and The Bad

Learn about the good and the bad directly from a former “Job Hopper.”I have been called a “job hopper” by everyone from my friends to my own mother. In truth, I was probably a “job hopper” before I had multiple careers, but the reality was I wasn’t actually a “job hopper.” I was a career shifter. Some might say this …