How to Get Freedom From Fear and Finally Quit The Job You Hate

Are you in a job and career that you absolutely hate? You just can’t think of staying there much longer, but you’re stuck in neutral. So many fears that rush to your mind about quitting. You want to desperately get freedom from fear that has gripped you. 

Here are some great tips to help you break free from fear.

Recognize the Fears You Have About Quitting Your Job

One of the biggest fears about quitting the job you hate is fear of the unknown. If you have a stable well paying job, it’s hard to let go of that security. You may start to think if you quit you’d face bankruptcy or homelessness. Both are a little extreme, but worrying about those two things alone can stop you from quitting a job you hate. 

To really get freedom from fear of the unknown, you need to think things through and get a clear picture of where you want to go next and how you’re going to get there. You can make smart decisions and move forward taking positive action. 

Determine How to Obtain Freedom From Fear 

Life has several defining moments and they can be quite challenging. Some of them are:

  • Graduating from high school or college
  • Finding a good job
  • Getting married
  • Buying a house
  • Having children
  • Retiring

Those big moments in life can seem daunting at the time. We always try to live up to the expectations that society puts on us. 

One thing that may be expected of you is that, if you landed a great career and took years of schooling for it, that you must be happy and you should stick with it. But if you want to quit that job, it could be at the risk of disappointing people like your friends and family, who think you’ve got it made. (But, really, you just hate your high paying job and want to quit.) 

You will have to face that fear and try to overcome it. You may disappoint people, but when you start to be happier in a new career, they will begin to understand and accept that change you made. 

Here are 3 ways to help you get freedom from fear of quitting your job.

Related: How to Know When It’s Time to Find A New Career

Decode Your Fear

Set aside time to reflect on your fear and embrace it. You may be stuck in a whirlwind of doubts and emotions. Emotions that take you up and down and leave you exhausted. 

Decide what you want to do. Do you want to accept your situation where you are or do you want to make a change despite what anybody else will say or think? Because in the end, it is your happiness that’s important.

Write down what has been holding you back from making the decision. Take note of every fear and everything your imagination is throwing at you. 

Write them all down and face them, evaluate them and start coming up with a strategy that will work for you. 

Remember The Past

Look to your past and remember other times you had to make big scary decisions. Remember that the decision you made worked out just fine. It probably ended up being worth the decision, and the life situation wasn’t worth all the fear you were thinking at the time.  

Apply that knowledge to your fear of quitting that job you hate. In the past when you made difficult decisions life went on pleasantly. Your whole life never fell apart. Trust in yourself when you make a job decision and trust that everything will work out. Even if you have to make changes to your decision, trust that it will be worth it. You’ll be doing something you love to do. You’ll wake up every day energized to start a new career path.

Don’t lose sight of your dreams and ambitions. 

Your Actions Define You

Fear lives in your imagination. It prevents you from moving forward. It causes you to worry over and over about the outcome before you ever take action. But everything you imagine that could happen may never happen! 

You will grow as a person and develop courage and belief in yourself as you take action. Your abilities will be tested and opportunities will open up to you that you never thought of before. 

Staying in a job that you hate can cause you to become stagnant and not grow as a person. You’re just putting in the time where there are no more challenges left for you. 

But if you take action you will grow from any setbacks or failures you may face along the way in your new career. A new career opens up doors for growth and gives you the opportunity to be challenged and learn new skills. 

Freedom from fear means to let go of fear if you want change in your life. 

Related: 10 Ways to Conquer Self-Doubt In The New Year

Look At It From a New Perspective

Think about what your life will look like in 5 years if you don’t make a change? 

Ask yourself if you’d rather take the risk now and quit the job you hate despite your fears or just wait around until you think you’re ready or wait for something to force you to change. 

Wouldn’t you rather be living the life of your dreams? 

Getting In Over Your Head

Maybe one of your fears is getting in over your head. Taking the leap and quitting your job you hate and starting some other career that you’re not sure is the right one. And you don’t know the ropes either!

Starting a new career can be scary. At first, anyway. There’s always the chance of complete failure. Maybe you don’t quite know enough to finish certain projects. 

You may have no idea what you’re doing. But guess what! That’s the best place to be. Nothing will stretch you more or bring out your creativity than not knowing what you’re doing!!!

If you’ve made the decision to move to a different career and now you have other fears working in a job you’re not sure how to do everything, take the challenges that are presented to you and figure it out. Break down the processes. Take big challenges and tackle them little by little. You will continue to grow as a person as you step out of your comfort zone and learn something new. 

Admitting You Don’t Understand Something

Let’s say you’ve stepped out and accomplished your freedom from fear and finally quit that other job you hated so much. Now with new challenges you’re feeling a little insecure because you don’t know everything about this new career.

You’re so used to knowing everything in the old job you left, that when faced with not knowing a certain task, you get a little shaky. 

Sometimes you can figure it out on your own.

But if you’ve been working for a few months, and you still haven’t figured it out, it’s time to ask someone for help. It may take a little courage, but it’s time to admit you don’t understand something. Something that everybody else seems to really get but you!

Just ask!

Facing your fears and working on getting freedom from fear is really about getting out of your comfort zone. It takes courage. But nothing horrible will happen if you do start taking those steps and finally quit the job you hate. There’s no value to staying in a dead-end job. 

You probably want to quit because you need more challenges in your life. Take the time to face those fears and do what you really want to do!

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