Is Your Career Path Filled With ?????’s?

Is your next career move a big ? for you?
I stumbled across this cartoon today and it really spoke to me.
I'm not going to lie. I actually used to be (and sometimes still am) jealous of our parent's generation.
They graduated from high school. Went to college and then set off on a pretty clearly defined career path for the rest of their lives (often with the same company).
Not that their lives were easy but with a limited number of options and a pretty clear path, having to choose which direction to go in was relatively easy.
Now, I am thrilled that we currently have a million and one options for career paths to choose from...lord knows I wasn't cut out to be a doctor, teacher, nurse or lawyer (thank goodness there are amazing people out there who were!).
The problem with having a million and one options is that you have a million and one options.
How on Earth do you pick one?
How do you know it's the right one?
How do you even prepare yourself for career choices that don't even exist yet?!?
It's overwhelming.
And that is the EXACT situation I found myself in as I worked through my 20's and 30's...struggling to figure out how to chart my career path forward.
The problem was there were a million and one options and I didn't have a system to help me figure out which one was right for me.
And while I was motivated and ready to find my way I was clueless as to how to make things happen.
It's the same situation I see my clients in day after day.
They have been successful.
They have chosen a path to go down.
But now they realize that maybe that path wasn't quite right for them.
They start to think that maybe it's time for a new path.
But where do they go from here?
How do they choose that next right path?
Are any of you in this same boat?
Does this sound like you?
Don't freak out. I promise you that from the hundreds of people I've talked to (myself included) you are not alone.
Want to know what the secret is for figuring out what your path forward is?
I did't say it was going to be sexy...but clarity and the pieces that go into the Johnson Career C.L.A.R.I.T.Y. Method are absolutely essential to finding a fulfilling career.
If you are curious what the pieces to the C.L.A.R.I.T.Y. Method are check out my training- "6-Figure Fulfillment: How to Make A Shift In Your Corporate Career Without Sacrificing Your 6-Figure Salary".
In it I will walk you through the 7 pieces of the C.L.A.R.I.T.Y. method to help you get on your way to your dream career!
Ready to get your CLARITY on?

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