No Interviews? Ask Yourself These 5 Questions.

Think branding is only for companies like Target, Nike and Apple?

Think again.

Did you know that believing that you don’t need a personal brand is likely what’s keeping you stuck or stagnant in your career?

Yup. That’s the cold hard truth.

I’m here to tell you that branding is about to get personal.

And by getting personal your brand has the potential to reignite your career.

When you don’t have a personal brand you sit in front of your computer searching for jobs for hours but can’t seem to find anything that pays you what you know you’re worth. Or you apply for job after job and never hear anything back. Or you tweak your resume for the millionth time but continue to get ZERO calls for interviews.

It leaves you wondering what the heck is going on. Wondering if maybe you are being discriminated against because of your age or worse yet, your gender.

You start going down this dark rabbit hole. Spinning into the darkness. Questioning everything from your career choice to your experience to your education to the choice of font on your resume.

I’m here to tell you that none of those are the problem. It doesn’t have to do with your age, your gender, your education, your experience or the font on your resume.

Let’s explore what the real problem is.

Here are five questions to ask yourself to find your answer:
1. Am I 100% clear about the value that I have to offer?
2. Do I know who my target audience is?
3. Do I know what my target audience cares about the most?
4. Do I know how my strengths/value fit with what my target audience cares about the most?
5. Do I know how to talk about my strengths/value in a way that resonates with my target audience?

If you answered no to any of these questions your problem is not one of age, education or experience. Your problem has to do with your personal brand…it’s either that you don’t have a clear personal brand at all or that you have a weak personal brand that needs some reviving.

The good news is that there is a system and a process for uncovering your personal brand and when you have a clear personal brand and you know how to use it, you can reignite your career.

If your personal brand is either non-existent or filled with holes it’s probably the reason your career is on life support, you aren’t getting calls back for interviews and your boss’ boss doesn’t remember your name.

It’s time you took your career off life support and kicked it into gear. It’s time you lit a fire under your career!

If you are interested in learning more about Career Personal Branding and how it can help you go from feeling completely ignored by employers to having your phone ringing off the hook drop me an e-mail at [email protected] and we can discuss if Career Personal Branding is right for you!

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