Road Tripping Through Your Career

Do you love a good road trip?

Planning out where you’re going to go.
Where you’re going to stop along the way.
Who and what you want to see.
What snacks you are going to pick up (Chex Mix is always a must for me).
What you are going to listen to (books on tape or an amazing playlist).

Sometimes the planning is more fun than the actual trip. Am I right?

I got to thinking…why is it that we can take hours and hours to plans a road trip and then we can set off on it and love every part of it (including the twists and turns that it may take) but most people won’t spend any time at all thinking about the road their career is taking them down?

The problem with ignoring your career path and not making sure it is headed in the right direction is that you will end up completely lost and directionless.

You likely know that being lost and directionless on a road trip could spell disaster and will most certainly mean you won’t reach your end destination.

In your career the exact same thing can happen but the consequences of not reaching your destination can be even more dire.

You could…
…end up spending your whole life working but never actually getting closer to your goals.
…keep putting off finding a career and work that you love until it’s too late.
…realize that the potential you have has been wasted doing work that isn’t fulfilling.
…find that the financial goals you’d set for yourself now feel far beyond your reach.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

It doesn’t have to be this way if you spend time planning out the “road trip” for your career.

You need to figure out where you are going. What you want to achieve. What “success” means to you. What your “must haves” are in both your life and your career. What impact you want to have.

All of these pieces are just like the destination, stops along the way, snacks and music you choose for your road trip. Until you figure out all of these pieces for your career journey, you will continue to feel lost and directionless in your career.

Now here’s the thing. Figuring out all of these pieces may seem simple at first glance but there are actually many layers beneath each of them that require digging and exploration to make sure you really get to the root of what it is you desire for yourself and your career.

Just like a road trip, having a map, a compass and a guide is going to make the process100X easier, more efficient and more effective.

So, if you are feeling lost and want to make sure you career is headed in the right direction it’s important that you find someone who can guide you. Who can help you draw up your map. Who can give you the tools that will make sure you are always headed in the right direction.

That’s why updating your resume or hiring a coach to re-do your LinkedIn profile or help you with interviewing isn’t enough. While these tools are useful in the journey, they are not the primary, essential tools you need to succeed in moving forward in your career with direction and purpose.

That’s why the work that I do with my clients is so in depth. It’s why we don’t just clean up your resume and LinkedIn profile but instead we get you crystal clear on where you are headed and how you are going to get there.

If you are curious to learn more about the process I take my clients through, check out my free training: 6-Figure Career Clarity. In the training, I’ll walk you through the 6-Figure Career Clarity Method so that you can start determining your career path forward.

Sign up for the next session here:

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