7 Amazing Ted Talks To Motivate You When You’re In A Rut

Have you lost all your motivation lately? Maybe you want to work on getting a new career? Whatever change you want to make in your life, you may find that sometimes you’ve lost the motivation and ambition to make those changes. If you need someone to give you that extra push, here are 7 Ted Talks to help you feel inspired to achieve your goals.

How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over by Mel Robbins

Mel Robbins is one of the top career and relationship experts in America. She states that she can help people get whatever they want. Mel Robbins gets through all your mental clutter that prevents you from achieving your goals. 

She talks about how to take an idea you have and pair it with an action before the idea dies. 

If you feel stuck in your life and dissatisfied this is one of the Ted Talks you won’t want to miss. She will motivate you with her effective and entertaining approach. She can help you with your health, wealth, relationship, career, and whatever other categories you need help with. 

With all the information online that pertains to what you want, Mel explains why you still can’t get what you want. It’s simple, but it’s not easy. 

How To Be Awesome At Anything You Do by Tasha Eurich

Have you ever wondered if leadership is something you’re born with or can you learn to lead?

In this Ted Talk you will find out how to not only be awesome in leadership, but in anything else you want to get better at. 

Tasha Eurich talks about 3 steps of radical improvement to succeed at anything. She challenges you with looking at how much time and energy you actually spend becoming totally awesome at what you do. Whatever skill it is that you want to improve, but can’t seem to get around to it. It could be either in your business or your personal life. 

When it comes to your own development, you can’t wait till you’re not busy. 

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Lee Duckworth

When Angela Lee Duckworth decided to leave her career consulting and teach math to 7th graders in a New York public school, she discovered the IQ wasn’t what separated the successful children from those who struggled.

She decided to get a psychology degree to study why some people will succeed and some don’t. Her conclusion was that ‘grit’ is what causes success. Grit is the power of passion and perseverance. It is sticking to your goal for years, not just for a week or a month. 

Related: How to Reinvigorate Career Motivation

How Comfort Will Ruin Your Life by Bill Eckstrom

What is the only way to sustain growth in your life?

The answer is to become uncomfortable. That’s what will make you grow. If you need the motivation to start something new, watch this Ted Talks by Bill Eckstrom.

He explains the science behind this concept and how it can help coaches and teachers use this concept for their students.

Learn more about his life-altering, personal and professional development ideas.

Turning Adversity Into Opportunity by Muniba Mazari

Muniba Mazari is an artist and a writer. She was in an accident that left her paraplegic while she was getting her bachelor’s degree in fine arts. 

Her story alone is motivating. Her art expresses her heart about people and their dreams and aspirations. 

Find out how her adversity helped her explore the artistry in her and keep her alive through her recovery in the hospital after her accident. 

Her experience helped her explore the gifts she had in her that she may not have found out about otherwise. 

Her paintings portray the message of living life and her real personality as an artist. She encourages everyone to be happy and be alive with or without disabilities.

The Secret Of Becoming Mentally Strong by Amy Morin

Amy Morin is a renowned psychotherapist and known for her advice to build mental strength. She teaches that no matter what your goals are, building mental strength is the key to reach them. 

She encourages you to know that everyone has the ability to build mental strength. You can perform exercises that can build your mental strength. 

She also talks about the 3 destructive behaviors to avoid if you want to gain mental strength.

And she talks about how to get rid of bad mental habits and build good mental habits.

Be inspired and motivated especially if you need to come out of a difficult or tragic situation.

The Puzzle of Motivation by Dan Pink

Dan Pink is a career analyst. He has several different examples to show you what motivates people in business and what doesn’t. 

You’ll be surprised to find that traditional rewards aren’t as effective as we may believe.

He shows what social scientists know compared to most managers.

Listen to his stories and get a clearer picture of how you can move forward. 

These Ted Talks hold so much motivation and knowledge on how you can readjust your life and reach the goals you so desire. If you are having trouble staying motivated, take one idea from one of these videos and start practicing it until it becomes a new and improved habit. You can change your life if you feel stuck and in a rut. 

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