What Do You Need To Thrive?

I love travel (and eating while I'm traveling). It is one of the things that makes me feel fulfilled in my life.

Since having kids, I haven’t traveled as much as I did pre-kids but now that my kids are a bit older we are making an effort to travel more.

Right now we are in Charleston, SC for a few days eating, drinking and soaking it all in. And let me tell you, it’s amazing. I feel so “right”.

You know that feeling I’m talking about? Where you feel like you are doing exactly what you should be doing and it just feels like the Universe aligned to make it all fit together just the way you wanted it to?

One of the things I work with my clients on when we dig into the 6-Figure Career Clarity method is helping them determine not just what career they want but what LIFE they want.

Because I am a firm believer that your work should support your life and your life should support your work. That if there is a need for you to “disconnect” from work on a regular basis you have a problem. You likely have a work situation that is not in line with your life.

At the heart of it, I want my clients to bring their true selves to work. I want them to know exactly who they are, what they need to thrive at work (and in life) and discover where that exists in the work world.

While I know that it isn’t realistic to think that work won’t have some ebbs and flows and that there won’t be stressful times but my goal for my clients is for them to still come home on those days feeling fulfilled knowing that what they did made a difference. To steal from one of my clients, I want them to feel “happy tired”.

And part of that is getting clear on what you need both inside of work and outside of work to feel fulfilled and satisfied and happy. For me, I know that I need the time and flexibility to travel when I want. For one of my clients, she knows that she needs to have control over her calendar so she can have the downtime at work that she needs to recharge her introvert battery and the ability to schedule time to see friends and prepare for her next Ironman. Another client, who is passionate about the environment, knew that to be happy at work and in her life she needed to do work that had a positive impact on the environment.

We all vary greatly on what we need to thrive not just at work but also in life.

Do you know what you need to thrive?

Here are a few more pictures of my amazing culinary tour through Charleston!

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