What’s Love (Self-Love) Got To Do With It?

Did you know that your level of self-love is directly related to your ability to land the job you want?

Stick with me on this one and I’ll show you the direct correlation between the two.

Because it’s February, it’s a natural time of year to be thinking about love. You're reminded that this is a time of love when you stroll through the isles at Target, when you see the commercials on TV and when your kids bring home their box of valentine cards.

So much of February is focused on love but in my opinion it is not always focused on the love that will make the world a better place. Don’t get me wrong, spreading love is amazing but what I think is even more amazing and more powerful is taking time to focus on loving yourself.

We all know that the best way to love others is by loving ourselves first. Right?

But you might be wondering why I believe self-love is not only important in making you a happier person and in making those around you happier but why it’s a game changer when it comes to your career.

Here is what I know is likely taking place everyday inside your head:

You’re thinking about how the last project you worked on could have gone smoother.

You’re upset with yourself that while you met your quarterly goals you didn’t beat them by as much as you did last year.

You see your colleagues moving up in their career faster than you and you wonder what you’re doing wrong.

I could go on and on with the thoughts running through your head. The bottom line is you are spending hours and hours harshly judging yourself inside your head.

You are saying things to yourself that you would never say to a friend or a loved one. Yet, you say these things to yourself without missing a beat or thinking twice about it.

The problem with this is that living in a constant state of judgement and negative self-talk will erode your self-confidence over time. And the more eroded it gets that harder it is to be the powerful person you are when those thoughts aren’t getting in your way.

Plus, the longer you listen to those thoughts and the longer you believe those thoughts the more your happiness and your career success will suffer.

Because when you start to believe those negative things about yourself there is no amount of “psyching yourself up” that will overcome them.

I’ve had clients tell me that their confidence is totally in the toilet but that they are really good at getting psyched up for interviews. I always follow up these statements by asking how many of those interviews have led to job offers. And the answer is inevitably zero.


And that’s because no matter how hard you “psych yourself up” or you try faking it until you make it your conscious or unconscious energy will always give you away.

A hiring manager might not be able to put her finger on why she isn’t going to offer you the job but I can almost guarantee that it’s because she senses your lack of confidence. She senses that you are buying into the negative stories in your head.

Negative stories suck and they suck the joy out of life.

Trust me, I know. I’ve been there. I’ve been stuck in the cycle of my listening to my own negative thinking and stories.

But knowing that my own peace is dependent upon my interpretation of these stories, I realized I needed a process I could use to love myself no matter what. After years of working in therapy and life coaching I finally figured out a way to do that.

And it’s exactly what I help my clients do. In the process of working through the 6-Figure Career Clarity Method my clients walk away with a new-found appreciation for who they are and what they have to offer. They also learn how to quiet the negative voices that run in their head.

If you are ready to get that some level of clarity that my clients achieve and you want to take the next step in moving your career forward I invite you to complete the Career Clarity Snapshot. This Snapshot will give me a sense of where you are and where you want to go. After reviewing your Snapshot, if it makes sense I will invite you to do a free Career Ideas and Insight Session where we’ll talk in greater detail about where you are, where you want to go and what your next best steps may be.

Isn’t it time you found your way back to self-love so that you can step powerfully forward into your corporate career?


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