A 6 week 1:1 mentorship to help visionary coaches embrace their
Freak Factor 
in their messaging  and turn it into their fortune.

Stand up for your value


Sound like you?

You’re amazing at delivering mind-blowing results for your clients and creating a bond so strong that they never want to leave you.  Now you are ready to figure out how to attract new clients into your world with a waitlist of clients eager to work with you..

It’s like the world hasn’t caught onto your brilliance. You feel like the best-kept secret with the potential to revolutionize lives if only they could grasp the profound impact your offer could have on them,

Despite your consistent efforts, the pieces of the marketing puzzle still haven’t fallen into place. Some strategies catch fire and others fizzle, leaving you scratching your head and searching for the missing piece to bring it all together.

Your big vision and your ability to create transformative change are undeniable. However, when you talk about what you do, it’s like you are speaking an alien language - either confusion clouds the conversation or eyes just glaze over.

You want to consistently enroll clients who resonate deeply with your essence and feel like they are your Cosmic Bestie all while trusting that more clients are always on their way to you.

Comparisonitis has you struggling to find your authentic voice and you feel like you are drowning in the sea of online noise.

Discover Your Freak Factor

Deep within each of us lives our unique essence, our Freak Factor.  But don’t worry - it’s not something to fear or hide.  

What if I told you your Freak Factor isn’t a flaw, but rather your superpower?  What if I told you it’s the exact reason your ideal clients are drawn to you?
That’s pretty sweet, isn’t it?
Unlocking success in your business hinges on delving into your distinctiveness and fully embracing it as the source of your magnetism and authenticity. I call this exploration of your uniqueness "Freakology."
In your journey through Freakology, you'll uncover your Freak Factor—a blend of your vision, your energetic blueprint, the profound transformations you offer, your unique delivery method, and your distinctive perspective on the problem and its solution.
The next step in the Freakology journey is deciphering how to communicate your vision, wisdom, and guidance in a language your ideal clients resonate with so they can truly grasp how you can help them. No more speaking in jargon that sounds to them like spiritual mumbo jumbo. Instead, you'll forge deep connections with crystal-clear clarity, helping your soulmate clients see that you are the obvious and only choice for them.
It's time to unveil your Freak Factor!
I totally get you.

I’ve done the same things you have.  I have diligently followed the advice of the gurus and experts. only to hit a wall where none of their touted strategies seemed to work for me. Moving from one supposedly foolproof strategy to the next, I found myself continually faced with minimal results. It was perplexing – I ticked all the boxes, executed their instructions to the tee, so why the lackluster results? Meanwhile, some of my peers were thriving, leaving me wondering, "What the hell?"

Eventually, it became clear to me—it wasn't the strategies themselves that were flawed. The missing piece of the puzzle was my message. Without a clear and compelling message, I couldn't harness the full power of those strategies.

Oh, and those successful peers?  It wasn't just luck. They possessed a unique and finely-tuned message that set them apart and resonated deeply with their audience

Reflecting on my career journey – from therapy to coaching to marketing – I've dedicated nearly my entire working life to unraveling the intricacies of human motivation and understanding what propels people to take action. Along the way, I've zeroed in on tools and strategies that deliver those sought-after ah-ha moments, insights, and results in the most efficient and effective manner.

I've invested substantial resources—both in time and money—into gleaning these insights so you don’t have to. That means that I can share the crème de la crème, cutting through the fluff. Let's skip the unnecessary and get straight to bringing your vision to life by connecting with and helping the people you are destined to support in this lifetime!


Get clarity on what makes you a freak and the transformation you are here to provide so you know how to set yourself apart from the crowd to become the obvious and ONLY choice for your soulmate clients
Deeply understand your soul fractal clients and align your vision and message to resonate with their energy for a profound connection where they feel seen and understood.

Unapologetically own and embrace your Freak. Plant your flag in the ground, cause a stir, stand out, and step into your role as the visionary here to change the world.

Let’s be honest, 98% of career coaches out there are teaching you about how to tweak your LinkedIn profile or change your resumé, when you know damn well by now that it REALLY isn’t going to make a difference. If that were true, only copywriters would have great jobs. This isn’t about those little tactics that aren’t going to make a difference.

It’s about figuring out what you are running towards so that you can STOP running away. Meaning - helping you uncover what you TRULY want so that you can go after it instead of simply escaping what you don’t want.

Module 1

We all have a distinct purpose and mission for this lifetime, a unique gift to share. The challenge lies in fully recognizing and embracing these gifts as our own genius – what I affectionately refer to as your Freak Factor.

In this transformative module, we embark on a journey to uncover the gifts you possess and the vision driving you forward. We’ll dive deep into your soul blueprint, unraveling the intricacies of how you’re energetically designed to help others and the profound transformations you're destined to guide people through.

By the end of this module, you won't just have a clear view of each puzzle piece; you'll also master the art of assembling them back together into a cohesive brand.. Picture this: crystal-clear understanding of what makes you truly unique - a Freak - so you'll know precisely why someone would choose YOU and no one else. It's time to illuminate your uniqueness and solidify your position as the unmistakable choice in the market.

Module 2

Client Clarity

Nothing beats the joy of having clients who feel like kindred spirits from another lifetime – your Cosmic Besties. These are the individuals you'd gladly share a coffee with, strike a yoga pose beside, or embark on a transformative breathwork retreat to Costa Rica together!

Just as you carry a unique energetic frequency, so do your Cosmic Besties. In this part of your journey, we dive deep into unraveling the essence of your ideal client, both on an energetic and human level. No superficial exercises here; instead, we seek to understand your ideal client on a soul level.

You will walk away possessing a profound understanding of what truly defines someone as your Cosmic Bestie. More importantly, you'll discover authentic and powerful ways to connect with them, ensuring they feel truly seen and understood by you on a soul-deep level.

Module 3


Now that you've uncovered your Freak Factor and identified your Cosmic Bestie clients, it's time to weave these elements together seamlessly, ensuring they don't resemble a jumbled hot mess. Picture crafting a message that not only sets you apart but also magnetically draws clients to you, like cats mesmerized by laser pointers.

It’s time to develop your Visionary Insights. You possess a unique perspective, a way of seeing the world that is distinctly yours. In this phase, you'll translate this perspective into insights that cause shifts in others' thinking, perceptions, and actions 

These Visionary Insights aren't just messages; they're the transformative force you're here to deliver so that you can change the world and guide those ready to embark on a new path forward.

You will walk away having mastered  the art of expressing your Visionary Insights with crystal clear clarity. Moreover, you'll learn to ground your expansive visions in a way that resonates deeply with others, ensuring they grasp the profound impact of your work without diluting the magnitude of your vision. It's time to unleash the power of your message and change the world one insight at a time.

Module 4

 Freak Flag

Armed with a potent, authentic, and one-of-a-kind message meticulously crafted to resonate with your ideal client's heart and soul, it's time to unfurl your Freak Flag and ignite a revolution! You are the chosen messenger entrusted with the sacred vision meant to be shared with the world—now is the time to declare it boldly as your Freak Flag Manifesto!

Your mission is to speak your truth while empowering others to do the same. Discover how to overcome the fears, doubts, and insecurities that hinder you from expressing your authentic voice and delivering the message you were destined to share. When your energy aligns authentically with your message, you'll effortlessly act as a magnetic force, drawing your soulmate clients straight to you.

You will walk away fully embracing your Freak Factor and your truth, ready to stir the pot, stand out, and embody the visionary change-maker you were destined to become in this lifetime. It's time to unleash your authentic power and make waves that ripple through time.

I also created this…not sure if it could be used somewhere.  It doesn’t EXACTLY follow the modules but all the materials in the modules is covered in this and vice versa.



Here we will build the foundation of your message and personal brand by looking at your soul blueprint through the lens of Human Design.  You will walk away understanding how you are meant to use your unique energy so that you can start applying this knowledge to your business and your message.



We are going to go beyond surface level and dive into the rest of your soul and energetic blueprint to help you understand what makes you a Freak by doing a Genius Assessment.  You will know exactly what you are here to help people with and why you will be the go-to choice based on the unique gifts that you have to offer.  You will also clarify the transformations that you provide and your unique mechanism for achieving these transformations.



Our focus is on embodying the vibrant energy of your brilliance. You'll delve into the art of owning your Freak, aligning your energy to be a match for your transformative message. It transcends mere words –because it’s not about the words you are speaking, rather it’s the essence of who you are being.  And you are here to be a visionary and change-maker.  

Gone are the days of conformity and blending in. It's time to infuse social media with excitement and intrigue by embracing your uniqueness. Refuse to blend into the crowd like stereotypical Barbies. Instead, you’re here to forge a new path—one that ignites curiosity and captivates attention. It's time to break through the Vanilla Vortex and authentically stand out.



Say goodbye to generic client avatars! It's time to go deeper than the usual approaches and gain understanding of who you are naturally designed to assist, why those clients are specifically drawn to you, and how to communicate with them in a way that resonates deeply, leaving them feeling truly understood, seen, and eager to explore further.

Now that you've identified your ideal clients and what sets you apart, our focus shifts to ensuring that they grasp the essence of who you are and how you can help them—without getting bogged down in the tools, modalities or spiritual mumbo jumbo  that often leaves them feeling confused. Instead, we'll bring your language down to earth, making it relatable and accessible, so they can clearly see the transformative potential you offer



It's time to disrupt the status quo and boldly step into your online presence with unwavering confidence. No more fading into the background like a wallflower—it's your moment to shine like never before. Together, we'll craft your unique Freak Flag Manifesto, making a powerful statement that cuts through the noise of generic content, all without resorting to sleazy sales tactics or relying on cute puppy videos to grab attention.  It's about authentic self-expression and making a memorable impact without the gimmicks.

What's  Included

6 Weekly 90 Minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions


Voxer support M-F for 6 weeks


Customized Soul Energy Assessment

Lifetime Access to Training Modules
What this means

Eliminate the competition by embracing your inner Freak. Feel confident in knowing that your distinctive uniqueness puts you into a league entirely your own.

Translate the abstract outcomes of your services into tangible realities. Ground these outcomes by painting vivid pictures of the real life transformations awaiting your soulmate clients

Call in your Cosmic Besties with ease by trusting that your vision and message are not only rooted in reality but also perfectly aligned with the desires of your ideal clients

Achieve seamless energetic alignment between your words and your authentic self, ensuring your message resonates at the perfect frequency to draw your Cosmic Bestie into your aura.

Gain the clarity and confidence you need to speak your truth and embrace your Freak so that you stand out and cut through the noise.

Dive deep into the depths of your soul’s wisdom, crafting a message that’s an authentic reflection of YOU. Let your inner guidance lead you, speaking your truth in your own unique and unmistakable voice.

Share your Visionary Insights with the world, stirring up waves of change and expanding minds and perspectives. Embrace your role as a change-maker so you can leave your mark on the world.

Freak Factor Message Assessment
Wonder if your true voice is shining through?  Worried that you are sounding like everyone else?
It's common to be so immersed in your  business that you miss the subtle nuances that might be dimming your uniqueness. Our mission is to provide insightful feedback on the elements that unintentionally make you sound like everyone else and guide you on how to unfurl your Freak Flag. If you're eager to break free from the ordinary, stand out, and confidently share your truth, it's time to schedule a call with us. Let's uncover the distinctive essence that sets you apart.

Ready to transform your career?


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